How to create line chart in iPhone application? [c

2020-05-19 00:10发布


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Closed 7 years ago.

I am creating a budget application in iPhone, to budget for personal incomes and expenses.

Client's need is

  • I want to see line graph (like stock market line report).
  • Red line for (monthly / weekly / daily) expenses
  • Green line for (monthly / weekly / daily) incomes

The question is how? Till now, I have never faced this kind of requirement. Can you please some offer some guidance regarding creating line chart in iPhone?


You should try Core Plot.


I think this is the solution for it.

If you want to use graphs in your application, there are two options for you.

* Core Plot -
* s7GraphView -

I found that s7graphview is more preferable to iPhone application & Core-Plot is more suitable to MAC OSx development.

I have downloaded both of them & started R & D on implementing it on application.

But Core-plot provides different kinds of facility & advance features while s7graphview is very limited.

Let me explain, how to install core plot,

First Go to this site,

You will see a command there(as given below) but you will not be able to execute it in your mac os terminal.

( hg clone core-plot )

Because it requires following things

  • Mercurial
  • Terminal Settings

Step 1 ) Let me explain terminal settings. Open Terminal & execute following commands

  • export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
  • export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Step 2 ) Download & setup mercurial from following link.


Step 3 ) Now open /Users/User-Name/core-plot/Examples

  • You will find samples here.

You may also continue a tutorial given here.


this link may be helpful.