I have the following folder structure in xcode for a project.
However, I have the above file structure in finder. Is there any way to reflect the file structure from xcode to finder ?
I have the following folder structure in xcode for a project.
However, I have the above file structure in finder. Is there any way to reflect the file structure from xcode to finder ?
I recently discovered a Command Line Tool that will do exactly what you need. You can find it here:
To install the tool, you just need to open the terminal and run the following command (use sudo to run it as a superuser and get permission):
$ sudo gem install synx
Then, just like the instructions on the GitHub webpage above indicate, use the following command to re-organize your folder structure:
$ synx path/to/your/project.xcodeproj
This should do it :).
You should managed it yourself in Finder, then set new Path for folders in Utility View
The "folders" in Xcode are actually groups and not necessarily linked to a folder in Finder.
You need to manage it yourself if you want a mirror in Xcode/Finder.
What you can do is create the folder structure you desire in Finder, then drag each folder into Xcode, this will create references to the folders as groups in Xcode and any files you create in those groups will be saved in the appropriate Finder folders.
You can do this to some extent! There's just one extra step to do every time you create a new group (and this first time you'll have a lot of catching up to do!):
Now, whenever you add files to the group, they'll head to the corresponding folder on disk. Woo!
Hence, I always create folder in Finder and then add that in Xcode.
Check out this article. It might help you organise your project. http://www.blackdogfoundry.com/blog/xcode4-folder-structure/
After version 9 Xcode (haven't checked previous versions) handles this for you! As long as you create a group and you don't select "New group without folder" Xcode automagically creates a corresponding folder in your project that will be reflected in your project's file structure.