KnockoutJS: How to update view model after a user

2020-05-18 16:33发布


I am working on a website that auto populates search result in a table after user entered some text in the input text box (similar to google instant search).

I managed to get knockout js to update view model as user enters information by adding

valueUpdate: 'afterkeydown'

into my data-bind attribute, however, I also need to handle the case where user right click and paste some text into the textbox so I tried:

valueUpdate: ['afterkeydown','mouseup']

but that didn't work and when I tried to read the value of the text box through the view model I kept getting the old value until I tab out of the input text box.

Anyone know how can I fix this?



You can use valueUpdate:'input'. I have testet it to work in Opera, Firefox and Chrome. I'm on a Linux box, so I can't test it in IE. Check this fiddle

UPDATE: I have now testet it in IE8, and it doesn't work. But using the following seems to work.


Thanks to Michael Best for his comment about this :) I have updated the fiddle

UPDATE okt 2014: As kzh mention in a comment below, in one of the later versions of Knockout.js the textInput binding was added. This binding handles this scenario and has build in browser quirks handling


New Way

Instead of:

data-bind="value: myValue, valueUpdate: ['input', 'textchange']"

One can now use the textInput binding:

data-bind="textInput: myValue"

From the documentation:

The textInput binding links a text box (<input>) or text area (<textarea>) with a viewmodel property, providing two-way updates between the viewmodel property and the element’s value. Unlike the value binding, textInput provides instant updates from the DOM for all types of user input, including autocomplete, drag-and-drop, and clipboard events.

Old Way

valueUpdate: ['afterkeydown','propertychange','input']

Does not work in IE9 if you want to support RightMouseClickDelete or RightMouseClickCut.

The solution I came up with involves using jQuery and a jQuery plugin called jQuery Splendid Textchange. After you have both the jQuery and the plugin scripts loaded, you can happily use the 'textchange' event.

valueUpdate: 'textchange'

But, I may one day stop supporting bad browsers, so I have this:

valueUpdate: ['input', 'textchange']

Here is a fiddle I made for testing this and other events:

N.B. If you are using requirejs, jquery may have to be a hard dependency of knockout for this to work properly all the time.