rails rbenv: rails: command not found

2020-05-18 07:44发布


I have recently moved from RVM to Rbenv and when attempting to execute rails I am getting an error like the one below

Pauls-Air:~ $ rails
rbenv: rails: command not found

The `rails' command exists in these Ruby versions:


After installing a gem via the command line in a ruby version you have to execute rbenv rehash as described in the docs here and here

For example:

$ rbenv install 2.2.0
$ gem install bundler
$ rbenv rehash
$ gem install rails
$ rbenv rehash


You need to install Rails for each Ruby version within rbenv. Try running rbenv version, I might expect that 2.1.2 is not the ruby version in use for the current project (local version) or maybe your global version.


I ran into the same issue, but none of these other solutions (or any of the others I found elsewhere) worked. I was about to go back to RVM, so I decided to get rid of rbenv completely and it paved the way to the solution.

Try the following - it worked for me:

  1. uninstalling rbenv, remove all references rbenv in your bash profile, and remove the remaining rbenv file folder and its contents.

  2. Reinstall rbenv with homebrew.

  3. Add it back to your bash profile:

    export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(rbenv init -)"
  4. Restart the shell:

    exec $SHELL -l
  5. Check the path:

    echo $PATH
  6. Install Rails:

    gem install rails
  7. rbenv rehash

Note: I consulted this for part of this answer: https://www.codementor.io/tips/3732499178/solution-for-rbenv-rails-is-not-currently-installed-on-this-system-to-get-the-latest-version-simply-type