What is the proper annotation since @SpringApplicationConfiguration
and @WebIntegration
are deprecated as of Spring Boot Framework 1.4? I'm trying to play around with unit testing.
Take a look into JavaDocs of deprecated classes:
* @deprecated as of 1.4 in favor of
* {@link org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest} with
* {@code webEnvironment=RANDOM_PORT} or {@code webEnvironment=DEFINED_PORT}.
public @interface WebIntegrationTest {
* @deprecated as of 1.4 in favor of {@link SpringBootTest} or direct use of
* {@link SpringBootContextLoader}.
public @interface SpringApplicationConfiguration {
Is there also a replacement for TestRestTemplate()?
Yes, here it is:
* @deprecated as of 1.4 in favor of
* {@link org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate}
public class TestRestTemplate extends RestTemplate {
A good place to start is now probably: Testing improvements in Spring Boot 1.4.
They describe a basic sample like the following:
public class MyTest {
as a replacement to, one of many:
public class MyTest {
you can use @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplication.
for testing purpose you can use @SpringBootTest(webEnvironment='your value') or simply @SpringBootTest
please refer :
for testing the REST, you can use @RestClientTest and configure a RestTemplateBuilder.
You should use this annotation:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = main_class)