react-native run-android is unrecognized

2020-05-17 04:29发布


I've installed react-native-cli globally:

npm install -g react-native-cli

Then run:

react-native init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject

I got the following structure:

-- AwesomeProject   
---- node_modules      
------ react-native    

When I run react-native run-android I get an error:
Command run-android unrecognized. Did you mean to run this inside a react-native project?

When I run react-native start I get the same.

react-native -v
react-native-cli: 0.2.0
react-native: n/a - not inside a React Native project directory

What I'm doing wrong?


What caused this for me was running npm install --save [package] when actually the system has previously been using yarn instead of npm.

To solve this I just deleted the node_modules folder and ran: yarn install and after that react-native run-ios (or android) works fine.

(duplcate of React Native: Command `run-ios` unrecognized)


I just ran "yarn" with no arguments and it fixed it.


Please try this cmd it will be help you

npm install --save react-native

Yes Thanks For Share This Its Work For me Thanks For Helping Good


The problem was that I terminated init command because it looked like hanged without errors (even 24 hours later). To fix this I updated nodejs and npm to newer versions. Once I have done it react-native init was executed properly and there is no more problem with react-native run-android.


you have to update your npm. To do that

npm install npm@latest -g


react-native run-android is unrecognized

Make sure that you have installed npm or use in your project directory

npm install


I think the command you are looking for is react-native run-android.

cd into your project and run this command where all you js files are present and not in the android folder.

It will run a package manager, do not close that. Also you need to have an emulator or a device connected to your computer with usb debugging enabled.

Hope the answer helped


try "yarn install". It will install the missing files in node_modules

It worked for me


You need to update the project with the latest version of react-native. Just run this command.

npm install --save react-native@latest


I did everything correct while setting up, but was unable to run the android code. Just make sure while running the command react-native run-android that, you are inside the AwesomeProject folder created by the react-native init AwesomeProject command.

The folder by default for my PC was under C:\Windows\system32\AwesomeProject in Windows.

Hope it helped for the first timers :)


  • Make sure you go into the directory having package.json

  • If you have deleted nodemodules try "npm install".

  • And don't forget the "init" in "react-native init MyApp". "init"
    initializes the package.json.


If you guys have latest react native version and facing this error


then run follow these steps it will definitely help you.

Step: 1 -> create a new file "react-native.config.js" in the project root directory.

Step : 2 -> Inside "package.json" you have "assets" array inside "rnpm" object cut these assets from this and paste in your "react-native.config.js". i-e:

module.exports = {
assets: ['./assets/fonts'],

Step : 3 -> Remove "rnpm" object from "package.json".

Step : 4 -> Replace your "scripts" with below mentioned "scripts" inside "package.json"

"scripts": {
    "start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
    "test": "jest",
    "android": "react-native run-android",
    "ios": "react-native run-ios",
    "lint": "eslint .",
    "android:prod": "npx react-native run-android --variant=release",
    "ios:prod": "react-native run-ios --configuration Release"

That's it Happy Hacking..............


This can be caused by a couple of issues.

!!! Before trying each solution remember to open a new terminal since you might have old paths sources from your .bashrc file. !!!

  1. You did not install the contents of the project. In order to solve this you have to install the node_modules by typing:

    npm install or yarn install

  2. You are coming back to a previously installed project after doing some funny things with your react-native installation and global configurations. (Upgrading the library, upgrading node doing something with globally installed node_modules).

You should clean all your caches and project modules

Here you can find a command to do all these things in one line (remember to replace npm with yarn accordingly):

  1. Your global installation of react-native or react-native-cli is broken. In this case simply reinstall your libraries globally.

    npm: npm install -g react-native && npm install -g @react-native-community/cli

    yarn: yarn global add react-native && yarn global add @react-native-community/cli


Uninstall react-native from global

$ npm uninstall -g react-native


Install react-native to global

$ npm install -g react-native-cli


That worked for me

react-native run-android

 start [options]                    starts the webserver
run-ios [options]                  builds your app and starts it on iOS simulator
run-android [options]              builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device
new-library [options]              generates a native library bridge
bundle [options]                   builds the javascript bundle for offline use
unbundle [options]                 builds javascript as "unbundle" for offline use
eject [options]                    Re-create the iOS and Android folders and native code
link [options] [packageName]       links all native dependencies (updates native build files)
unlink [options] <packageName>     unlink native dependency
install [options] <packageName>    install and link native dependencies
uninstall [options] <packageName>  uninstall and unlink native dependencies
upgrade [options]                  upgrade your app's template files to the latest version; run this after updating the react-native version in your package.json and running npm install
log-android [options]              starts adb logcat
log-ios [options]                  starts iOS device syslog tail
dependencies [options]             lists dependencies
info [options]                     Get relevant version info about OS, toolchain and libraries

They have made some unnoticeable changes. For instance run-android(now) run android(before).


Try to delete "package-lock.json" and re-run "npm install", then try your command, It should work


I got this error because I had parenthesis in the path "(" and ")". Possibly this error is thrown for other special characters as well.


Ensure you run the command in the projects' terminal, preferably the Android IDE. Run the adb devices to know your active devices as well


If your package.json file is containing any comment then this error is comes. So remove all comments from package.json and then run command it will work.

Also try to run command npm install --save then it will log if other error there. If any others error also there, then first fix it and then run command it will work.


In Android Studio click in Tools -> SDK Manager -> in System Settings click in Android SDK -> choose tab SDK Tools, then enable Android SDK command line tools (lasted). It work for me!


npx react-native run-android

Use of npx will pick local npm node_modules directory


Open your React Native Project Root Directory and locate android -> app -> build -> intermediates -> signing_config -> debug -> out -> signing-config.json

Delete signing-config.json file

And rebuild your application.

react-native run-android