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Closed 4 years ago.
Google's custom search API has a limitation up to 100 queries per day. That is far less than what I expected. I want to add that artwork-search function to my app. Thanks a lot.
How about Discogs, or Amazon or seeing what Cover Fetcher does?
Musicbrainz and the Internet Archive offer the Cover Art Archive but you do need to request using the album's MBID.
Last.FM provides an API for getting art but you can't actually use it in publicly distributed applications. They said that the recording companies own the art and they aren't licensed to distribute it. Huh? Why the API then? I don't get it.
Last FM's album.getInfo API call offers images in four different sizes and can be searched using names or musicbrainz IDs. Output can be XML/JSON/JSONP.
Last.fm isn't completely free and unlimited
"Last.fm reserves the right to share in revenue generated from your use of Last.fm Data in future on terms to be negotiated in good faith between Last.fm and You."
Discovered the FreeCover website API a few minutes ago searching for the same thing:
For the record, ROVi seems loaded (they source Apple):
...but same as every good service on the internet: if you want good (meaning reliable) service, you'll have to pay eventually ;)
Other than the Cover Art Archive the only other approachably "free" and unlimited resource is Wikipedia: http://www.onemusicapi.com/blog/2014/09/10/querying-wikipedia-album-artwork/
You can use DBpedia to search for the album, then use the Wikimedia APIs to actually download the image.