Beginners' guide for setting up Emacs with gcc

2020-05-16 00:07发布


I looked around the GNU emacs material and didn't find anything helpful.

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up emacs, to basically turn it into an IDE? I'm looking for interfacing with gcc/gdb/make, etc...


Like other answers mentioned, M-x compile, M-x gdb will get you going. While debugging, I'd also suggest gdb-many-windows-mode, which makes Emacs look a bit closer to IDE when debugging.

Besides that and to get closer to "IDE-like features", you can look at:

  • CEDET for code completion and project support. Excellent tutorial at .
  • If you don't mind using non-free software, Xrefactory ( is probably the best (well, the only) refactoring tool. The C version is free, the C++ is not.


Yuval, you're probably being misled by looking for something about IDEs. All that stuff is automagically built into EMACS except for the CScope-like searching stuff.

  • M-x compile runs make by default, although I reset it to run Ant in java mode.
  • M-x gdb runs gdb
  • C-x ` (Ctrl-X backquote) goes to the next compile error

and so on.

Go dig about in the EMACS Wiki. Lots of good stuff. The Programming Category is where you should look.


Good Article

Look at CScope too... you just have to add two lines to your .emacs to be able to navigate through definitions and references


Even though not directly related to C/C++ i find that using a good color scheme is important. Try:

M-x color-theme-select

and you can browse around a lot of different setups if you do not want to create your own.


If you're working with version control system, you can find useful information in another my article about work with version control systems from emacs