Actually i want to know where to store common components methods in #NUXT.JS.
things which i have tried. --> Storing common code in middleware (its use-less) because according to my knowledge middleware is only capable of handling request and response to server.
methods: {
// states methods.
SwitchManager: function (__dataContainer, __key, __value) {
// stand alone debugger for this module.
let debug = __debug('computed:_3levelSwitch')
// debug showing function loaded.
debug('(h1:sizeCheck) creating switch..')
// switch.
switch (__key) {
// fake allow set value to true of given key
this[__dataContainer][__key][__value] = true
return this[__dataContainer][__key][__value]
SizeCheck: function (__size) {
// stand alone debugger for this module.
let debug = __debug('tags:p')
// debug showing function loaded.
debug('(p:sizeCheck) checking..')
// init switch.
this.SwitchManager('pill', 'size', __size)
StateCheck: function (__state) {
// stand alone debugger for this module.
let debug = __debug('tags:h1')
// debug showing function loaded.
debug('(h1:sizeCheck) checking..')
// init switch.
this.SwitchManager('pill', 'state', __state)
created () {
// h1 tag size check