I have a Java Map that I'd like to transform and filter. As a trivial example, suppose I want to convert all values to Integers then remove the odd entries.
Map<String, String> input = new HashMap<>();
input.put("a", "1234");
input.put("b", "2345");
input.put("c", "3456");
input.put("d", "4567");
Map<String, Integer> output = input.entrySet().stream()
e -> Integer.parseInt(e.getValue())
.filter(e -> e.getValue() % 2 == 0)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));
This is correct and yields: {a=1234, c=3456}
However, I can't help but wonder if there's a way to avoid calling .entrySet().stream()
Is there a way I can perform both transform and filter operations and call .collect()
only once at the end?
Yes, you can map each entry to another temporary entry that will hold the key and the parsed integer value. Then you can filter each entry based on their value.
Map<String, Integer> output =
.map(e -> new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(e.getKey(), Integer.valueOf(e.getValue())))
.filter(e -> e.getValue() % 2 == 0)
Note that I used Integer.valueOf
instead of parseInt
since we actually want a boxed int
If you have the luxury to use the StreamEx library, you can do it quite simply:
Map<String, Integer> output =
EntryStream.of(input).mapValues(Integer::valueOf).filterValues(v -> v % 2 == 0).toMap();
One way to solve the problem with much lesser overhead is to move the mapping and filtering down to the collector.
Map<String, Integer> output = input.entrySet().stream().collect(
(map,e)->{ int i=Integer.parseInt(e.getValue()); if(i%2==0) map.put(e.getKey(), i); },
This does not require the creation of intermediate Map.Entry
instances and even better, will postpone the boxing of int
values to the point when the values are actually added to the Map
, which implies that values rejected by the filter are not boxed at all.
Compared to what Collectors.toMap(…)
does, the operation is also simplified by using Map.put
rather than Map.merge
as we know beforehand that we don’t have to handle key collisions here.
However, as long as you don’t want to utilize parallel execution you may also consider the ordinary loop
HashMap<String,Integer> output=new HashMap<>();
for(Map.Entry<String, String> e: input.entrySet()) {
int i = Integer.parseInt(e.getValue());
if(i%2==0) output.put(e.getKey(), i);
or the internal iteration variant:
HashMap<String,Integer> output=new HashMap<>();
input.forEach((k,v)->{ int i = Integer.parseInt(v); if(i%2==0) output.put(k, i); });
the latter being quite compact and at least on par with all other variants regarding single threaded performance.
Guava's your friend:
Map<String, Integer> output = Maps.filterValues(Maps.transformValues(input, Integer::valueOf), i -> i % 2 == 0);
Keep in mind that output
is a transformed, filtered view of input
. You'll need to make a copy if you want to operate on them independently.
You could use the Stream.collect(supplier, accumulator, combiner)
method to transform the entries and conditionally accumulate them:
Map<String, Integer> even = input.entrySet().stream().collect(
(m, e) -> Optional.ofNullable(e)
.filter(i -> i % 2 == 0)
.ifPresent(i -> m.put(e.getKey(), i)),
System.out.println(even); // {a=1234, c=3456}
Here, inside the accumulator, I'm using Optional
methods to apply both the transformation and the predicate, and, if the optional value is still present, I'm adding it to the map being collected.
Another way to do this is to remove the values you don't want from the transformed Map
Map<String, Integer> output = input.entrySet().stream()
e -> Integer.parseInt(e.getValue()),
(a, b) -> { throw new AssertionError(); },
output.values().removeIf(v -> v % 2 != 0);
This assumes you want a mutable Map
as the result, if not you can probably create an immutable one from output
If you are transforming the values into the same type and want to modify the Map
in place this could be alot shorter with replaceAll
input.replaceAll((k, v) -> v + " example");
input.values().removeIf(v -> v.length() > 10);
This also assumes input
is mutable.
I don't recommend doing this because It will not work for all valid Map
implementations and may stop working for HashMap
in the future, but you can currently use replaceAll
and cast a HashMap
to change the type of the values:
((Map)input).replaceAll((k, v) -> Integer.parseInt((String)v));
Map<String, Integer> output = (Map)input;
output.values().removeIf(v -> v % 2 != 0);
This will also give you type safety warnings and if you try to retrieve a value from the Map
through a reference of the old type like this:
String ex = input.get("a");
It will throw a ClassCastException
You could move the first transform part into a method to avoid the boilerplate if you expect to use it alot:
public static <K, VO, VN, M extends Map<K, VN>> M transformValues(
Map<? extends K, ? extends VO> old,
Function<? super VO, ? extends VN> f,
Supplier<? extends M> mapFactory){
return old.entrySet().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(
e -> f.apply(e.getValue()),
(a, b) -> { throw new IllegalStateException("Duplicate keys for values " + a + " " + b); },
And use it like this:
Map<String, Integer> output = transformValues(input, Integer::parseInt, HashMap::new);
output.values().removeIf(v -> v % 2 != 0);
Note that the duplicate key exception can be thrown if, for example, the old
is an IdentityHashMap
and the mapFactory
creates a HashMap
Here is code by AbacusUtil
Map<String, String> input = N.asMap("a", "1234", "b", "2345", "c", "3456", "d", "4567");
Map<String, Integer> output = Stream.of(input)
.groupBy(e -> e.getKey(), e -> N.asInt(e.getValue()))
.filter(e -> e.getValue() % 2 == 0)
.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue);
Declaration: I'm the developer of AbacusUtil.