Is there any way to get the image element after we insert the image using execCommand? for example
Is there any way to get the image element after we insert the image using execCommand? for example
Don't use insertimage
, use plain old insertHTML
and give the element you are inserting an ID so that you can reference it later.
function insertHTML(img) {
var id = "rand" + Math.random();
var doc = document.getElementById("editor");
doc = doc.document ? doc.document : doc.contentWindow.document;
img = "<img src='" + img + "' id=" + id + ">";
if(document.all) {
var range = doc.selection.createRange();
} else {
doc.execCommand("insertHTML", false, img);
return doc.getElementById(id);
You can use the fact that browsers place the caret immediately after the inserted image and work back from there. The following requires DOM Range and selection support, which rules out IE <= 8, but if that's important then you can use a library such as my own Rangy to fill that gap.
function previousNode(node) {
var previous = node.previousSibling;
if (previous) {
node = previous;
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
node = node.lastChild;
return node;
var parent = node.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.nodeType.hasChildNodes()) {
return parent;
return null;
document.execCommand("InsertImage", false, "");
// Get the current selection
var sel = window.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var node = range.startContainer;
if (node.hasChildNodes() && range.startOffset > 0) {
node = node.childNodes[range.startOffset - 1];
// Walk backwards through the DOM until we find an image
while (node) {
if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
alert("Found inserted image with src " + node.src);
node = previousNode(node);
This is my way:
e.execCommand('insertimage', 0, URI) // image's URI
//.not('.handled').addClass('.handled') is needed if there are many images with the same URI