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Closed 2 years ago.
Is there a complete list of the classes bootstrap uses anywhere? I keep breaking bootstrap things when I make my own independent of bootstrap classes, so I'd like to eliminate that overlap
Here the list of classes from boostrap.min.css https://gist.github.com/geksilla/6543145
Similar to the link above, except this link actually is a complete list of Boostrap 3 classes (656 unique classes) along with code on how you can easily generate your own complete list any time, for any frontend framework css file:
Someone might be looking for a list of Bootstrap 3 CSS classes with a simple description - I've written one as I couldn't find any, hope it helps.
List of Bootstrap 3 CSS classes with description
Blog sub domain have been removed
Archive link: a complete reference library of bootstrap classes
Here is a Bootstrap CSS classes desk reference pdf and a sortable table with descriptions to help sort through the list. You can find it here.
Version 4 update: https://bootstrapcreative.com/resources/bootstrap-4-css-classes-index/
I used nodejs to accomplish this, at https://gist.github.com/moorage/9965839