After updating domain password, accessing git-repo is no longer possible. VS Code and Source Tree as well as Visual Studio are returning the following error message on pull, push, fetch etc..
fatal: Authentication failed
Normally a credentials pop-up should appear however this is not happening. Also the common recommendation...
git config --global credential.helper wincred not working.
The password is stored in windows credential manager and needs to be updated. Open command prompt and enter the following command to view the list of stored passwords:
rundll32.exe keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr
Scroll down in the list until you spot the git-related entries. Click it and edit the correct password.
I agree with Jesper, Other way to do is - On windows, if you can navigate to :
Control Panel\User Accounts\Credential Manager
Under Windows Credentials\Windows Vault page on Generic Credentials, you can update the password of existing GIT record or can also add new Generic Credentials.
Updated answer for Mac users :
In case if you're here with similar issue on Mac, you can do similar thing in keychain access
- by deleting the existing GIT record, & then if you pass your credentials again in git bash or any other tool a new record gets created, things should work.
I had the same issue when Cloning the repository via Bash/VS Code with "fatal:Authentication failed". I used SSH Key authentication instead to connect my repository following the article: [][1]
I didn't get any errors after with any bash commands!
Above solution works only if your machine can SSH.