I know I can start the emulator avd by typing
emulator.exe @avdname
But is there a command to list the available avdnames? Where are this avd configuration stored?
I know I can start the emulator avd by typing
emulator.exe @avdname
But is there a command to list the available avdnames? Where are this avd configuration stored?
AFAIK android list avd
avdmanager list avd
is what you need.
Using sdk/tools/emulator
This will list all available avds
emulator -list-avds
List all your emulators:
emulator -list-avds
Run one of the listed emulators:
emulator @name-of-your-emulator
where emulator is under:
get into Android/sdk/tools and run following command
./emulator -list-avds
which will return something like
I try few combination and it worked :), it was pretty obvious
android list avd
the output is something like this
Available Android Virtual Devices:
Path: /home/krste_ristevski/.android/avd/EMULLL.avd
Target: Android 2.3.3 (API level 10)
Skin: WVGA800
Sdcard: 512M
now with
emulator @EMULLL
I can start the emulator from console
This is an old post, but I am currently using this script to display the avd names and start one.
#! /bin/bash
# (@) start-android
# If the emulator command exists on this device, displays a list of emulators
# and prompts the user to start one
# Check if the emulator command exists first
if ! type emulator > /dev/null; then
echo "emulator command not found"
exit 1
# Gather emulators that exist on this computer
DEVICES=( $(emulator -list-avds 2>&1 ) )
# Display list of emulators
echo "Available Emulators
for DEVICE in ${DEVICES[@]}
echo "$N) $DEVICE"
let N=$N+1
# Request an emulator to start
read -p "
Choose an emulator: " num
# If the input is valid, launch our emulator on a separate PID and exit
if [ $num -lt $N ] && [ $num -gt 0 ];
emulator "@$DEVICE" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
exit 0
echo "Invalid Entry : $num"
exit 1
Here is an example run and output:
Available Emulators
1) Nexus_5X_API_23
2) Nexus_9_API_23
Choose an emulator: 1
I have a simple method (Only for windows):
First of all set permanent path to adb in your system (Pretty similar like java). Find yours, For most of cases - C:\Program Files\android\android-sdk\platform-tools
and copy it. Now go through your system properties and find Advance System Setting. Now find Environment Variable, in system variable tab find path. If there is no path then create a new variable and name it Path and paste the copied value in next field. But if there is already a Path, then open it and put a ;
semi-colon at the last of value box and paste the copied value.
Now you are almost done.! Check it by typing adb
in cmd
and now type adb devices
, thats what you wanted. Cheers.!
For Mac users arriving here, you can find the previously mentioned android/sdk/tools directory at /Users/YOURUSERNAME/Library/Android/sdk/tools/