We're having problems on windows creating a video file from gource (gource). We can run gource and watch the video live but don't seem to be able to get any useful physical output.
gource -1024x768 --stop-position 1.0 --highlight-all-users --hide-filenames --seconds-per-day 5 --output-framerate 60 --output-ppm-stream output.ppm
ffmpeg -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i output.ppm -vcodec wmv1 -r 60 -qscale 0 out.wmv
The key was the image2pipe format which seems to extract all the frames from the ppm rather than treating it as an individual image.
I made gource video on windows with this program SmartPixel. Just make gource go fullscreen like that:
gource --fullscreen
In setting you just need to turn off watermark. Any game/video capturing software serves same purpose.
Usefull options:
gource --fullscreen --save-config config.txt
Saves current options in text file and you can see what its look like egzample file content from above: [display] fullscreen=true
gource --load-config config.txt
Loads from config