I am interested in moving a lot of my client's "logic" away from Rails routing to AngularJS. I have slight confusion in one topic and that is linking. Now, I do understand there's more than one way to handle this, but what is the common practice in the AngularJS community for handling URLs on handling CRUD for resources. Imagine in the case of an athlete we have a URL such as the following to list all athletes:
To view an individual athlete:
To edit an individual athlete:
To create a new athlete:
In AngularJS, is it common practice to reroute to similar URLs to create/edit/update? Would you just have one URL handle all of the CRUD type actions in one interface and never change the URL? If you were to change the URL, does that get handled via ng-click and in the click event would you use the $location
object to change URLs? I'd love to be able to read up on common practices such as these, but having a difficult time in finding more recent literature on it in an AngularJS context.
** NOTE **
I totally get that you can still use RESTful routes to the backend in order to interact with server-side resources. My question is, what is the style that is recommended to use when updating URLs on the client-side. Are you using AngularJS to do that for each of the CRUD operations?
I would definitely recommend separate URLs for each operation (to enable direct linking). The ones you suggest look fine.
In AngularJS you can use the $route
service in combination with the ngView
directive to load the appropriate template for each operation and handle the browser location and history mechanics for you.
Step 7 of the AngularJS tutorial gives an example of using Views, Routing and Templates the way I describe here. The following is a simplified version for your example:
Define the routes
In your main application script (e.g. app.js):
angular.module('AthletesApp', []).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
// Configure routes
when('/athletes', {templateUrl: 'partials/athletes-list.html', controller: AthleteListCtrl}).
when('/athletes/:athleteId', {templateUrl: 'partials/athlete-detail.html', controller: AthleteDetailCtrl}).
when('/athletes/:athleteId/edit', {templateUrl: 'partials/athlete-edit.html', controller: AthleteEditCtrl}).
when('/athletes/:athleteId/new', {templateUrl: 'partials/athlete-new.html', controller: AthleteNewCtrl}).
otherwise({redirectTo: '/athletes'});
// Enable 'HTML5 History API' mode for URLs.
// Note this requires URL Rewriting on the server-side. Leave this
// out to just use hash URLs `/#/athletes/1/edit`
We also enable 'HTML Mode' for URLs, see note below.
2. Add an ngView
directive to your HTML
In your main index.html you specify where the selected partial template will go in the overall layout:
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="AthletesApp">
<!-- Somewhere within the <body> tag: -->
<div ng-view></div>
3. Create templates and controllers
Then you create the partial view templates and matching controllers for each of the operations. E.g. for the athlete detail view:
... Athete detail view here
function($scope, $routeParams) {
$scope.athleteId = $routeParams.athleteId;
// Load the athlete (e.g. using $resource) and add it
// to the scope.
You get access to the route parameter (defined using :athleteId
in the route config) via the $routeParams
4. Add links
The final step is to actually have links and buttons in your HTML to get to the different views. Just use standard HTML and specify the URL such as:
<a href="/athletes/{{athleteId}}/edit">Edit</a>
Note: Standard vs Hash URLs
In older browsers that don't support the HTML5 History API your URLs would look more like http://example.com/#/athletes
and http://example.com/#/athletes/1
The $location
service (used automatically by $route
) can handle this for you, so you get nice clean URLs in modern browsers and fallback to hash URLs in older browsers. You still specify your links as above and $location
will handle rewriting them for older clients. The only additional requirement is that you configure URL Rewriting on the server side so that all URLs are rewritten to your app's main index.html. See the AngularJS $location Guide for more details.
The angular way is the restful way:
GET all http://example.com/athletes
GET one http://example.com/athletes/1
POST new http://example.com/athletes
PUT edit http://example.com/athletes/1
DELETE remove http://example.com/athletes/1
Note that $resource also expects a few other things, like resource URLs not ending with a slash, PUT requests returning the updated resource, etc.
If your API doesn't meet these criteria, or you simply need more flexibility, you can build your own $resource-like CRUD service based on the lower-level $http service. One way of doing the latter is explained here
Option 1: $http service
AngularJS provides the $http
service that does exactly what you want: Sending AJAX requests to web services and receiving data from them, using JSON (which is perfectly for talking to REST services).
To give an example (taken from the AngularJS documentation and slightly adapted):
$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/foo' }).
success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// ...
error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
// ...
Option 2: $resource service
Please note that there is also another service in AngularJS, the $resource
service which provides access to REST services in a more high-level fashion (example again taken from AngularJS documentation):
var Users = $resource('/user/:userId', { userId: '@id' });
var user = Users.get({ userId: 123 }, function () {
user.abc = true;
Option 3: Restangular
Moreover, there are also third-party solutions, such as Restangular. See its documentation on how to use it. Basically, it's way more declarative and abstracts more of the details away from you.
In AngularJS you can definitely use RESTful server side data sources, there is build in service called $resource.
Alternatively you can also use restangular which has additional features over $resource.
If you want to have full control you can always use $http service which is low level angular component for interacting with http.
Simply implement something that is RESTful, that is the angularJS way. If you have no idea what RESTful is or, know a little and want to know a lot more, then I would recommend that you read this article.
Basically, REST is what is understood to be, an intuitive implementation of WEB URIs, it also makes use of all HTTP verbs, their correct use actually. REST is an approach, and architecture to building web apps.