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Closed 2 years ago.
I'm currently using JSDoc Toolkit to document my code, but it doesn't quite fit - namely, it seem to struggle with describing namespaces properly. Say you have two simple classes in each their files:
/** @class */
function Foo(...) {...}
/** @function ... */
Foo.prototype.init(..., cb) { return cb(null, ...); };
module.exports = foo;
And then something inherited lib/database/bar.js
var Foo = require('./foo');
* @class
* @augments Foo
function Bar(....) {...}
util.inherits(Bar, Foo);
Bar.prototype.moreInit(..., cb) { return cb(null, ...); };
In the generated documentation, this is output simply as Foo
and Bar
, without the leading database
(or lib.database
), which are quite necessary when you don't have everything in a global scope.
I've tried throwing @namespace database
and @name database.Foo
at it, but it doesn't turn out nice.
Any ideas for making JSDoc output something more suitable, or some entirely different tool that works better with Node.js? (I looked briefly at Natural Docs, JSDuck and breezed over quite a few others that looked quite obsolete...)
JSDoc is a port of JavaDoc. So basically the documentation assumes classical OOP and that's not suited to JavaScript.
Personally I would recommend using docco to annotate your source code. Examples of it can be found for underscore, backbone, docco.
A good alternative to docco is groc
As for an actual API documentation, I personally find auto generated documentation from comments just does not work for JavaScript and recommend you hand-write your API documentation.
Examples would be underscore API, Express API, nodejs API, socket.io docs
Similar StackOverFlow questions
- Generating Javascript documentation
YUIDoc is a Node.js application that generates API documentation from comments in source, using a syntax similar to tools like Javadoc and Doxygen. YUIDoc provides:
- Live previews. YUIDoc includes a standalone doc server, making it trivial to preview your docs as you write.
- Modern markup. YUIDoc's generated documentation is an attractive, functional web application with real URLs and graceful fallbacks for spiders and other agents that can't run JavaScript.
- Wide language support. YUIDoc was originally designed for the YUI project, but it is not tied to any particular library or programming language. You can use it with any language that supports /* */ comment blocks.
NOTE: Dox no longer outputs HTML, but a blob of JSON describing the parsed code. This means the code below doesn't work terribly well any more...
We ended up using Dox for now. It is a lot like docco, that Raynos mentions, but thows all of it in one bit HTML-file for output.
We hacked this into our makefile
JS_FILES := $(shell find lib/ -type f -name \*.js | grep -v 3rdparty)
#Add node_modules/*/bin/ to path:
#Ugly 'subst' hack: Check the Make Manual section 8.1 - Function Call Syntax
NPM_BINS:=$(subst bin node,bin:node,$(shell find node_modules/ -name bin -type d))
ifneq ($(NPM_BINS),)
.PHONY: doc lint test
doc: doc/index.html
doc/index.html: $(JS_FILES)
@mkdir -p doc
dox --title "Project Name" $^ > $@
It is not the prettiest or most efficient documentation ever made (and dox has quite a few minor bugs) - but I find it work rather well, at least for minor projects.
Sorry, I was not on StackExchange a year ago, but I believe the answer to your original question is to use the @memberOf tag:
/** @namespace */
database = {};
* @class
* @memberOf database
function Foo() { ... };
This tag may or may not have existed when you asked your question.
Found a really nice solution for the problem: doxx.
It uses dox as mentioned above and converts this to nice HTML afterwards. Has a nice usage and worked great for me.
I work with JSDoc and is very efficient, in addition to easy, but when projects have many alternate libraries are quite complicated development. I found Groc a very good tool based on Docco
and works with other languages like: Python, Ruby, C + +, among others...
Furthermore Groc
working with Markdown in GitHub which can be much more efficient when working with git as version control. Further helps assemble pages for publishing on GitHub.
You can also use the task manager GruntJS
through grunt-groc
Install package:
npm install grunt-groc --save-dev
configure in your task file:
And the config task:
// Project configuration.
groc: {
coffeescript: [
"coffee/*.coffee", "README.md"
options: {
"out": "doc/"
For run task:
grunt.registerTask('doc', ['groc'])