I have a Xamarin forms application. It has a page. That page has a listview. The listviews is bind to a sourcelist. What I want is to decide what custom control to use based on a specific property that each item in the list has. How can I achieve this?
It is also required that the custom control binds to values from the list.
I tried the following:
<ContentView Content="{Binding IsPriority, Converter={StaticResource RoadIndicatorBackgroundValueConverter}}" ControlText="{Binding TowingOrder.Location.RoadIndicator}"></ContentView>
That won't work because I can't bind with the ControlText of the specific custom control.
The image above shows the problem. The A1, A50 and the blue icons are all custom controls, those aren't images. There are some more of these custom controls. I can't just make 10 datatemplates right and copy paste everything? That would be so much duplicate code. Can't I just use a base object in a datatemplate, and bind a property with a converter and use a switch/case to decide which custom control to return?