I want my iOS app to pass to a URL the text the user types. The relevant code is pasted below. WHen I run the app, the text does not get assigned any value. It stays as null.
I am new to iOS programming and am probably missing something obvious here. Any help/pointers will be appreciated.
Mac OS version : 10.6.8 (64 bit) Xcode version : 3.2.3
In the snapshop.. "I have created a Table View and placed custom cell inside each row of a table. TextField is inside the custom cell view. Post is a button next to the textField which is a done Button. If I click that button, the text we are entering in the textField should post on URL which i have specified in my code snippet."
NOTE: The text is like a comment and posting this comment that should post on particular image in that cell.
I have copied the code snippet below. I have also attached an image to explain.
int index=[sender tag];
homecell *cell = [[homecell alloc] init];
UITextField *txt_c =(UITextField *)[cell.txt_comment viewWithTag:index];
NSLog(@"jj %@",txt_c);
gen_data *ut1=[[gen_data alloc]init];
gen_data *ut=[gen_data getInstance];