Does anyone know of a library or set of classes for splines - specifically b-splines and NURBS (optional).
A fast, efficient b-spline library would be so useful for me at the moment.
Does anyone know of a library or set of classes for splines - specifically b-splines and NURBS (optional).
A fast, efficient b-spline library would be so useful for me at the moment.
1.) For B Splines - You should check Numerical Recipes in C (there is book for that and it is also available online for reference)
2.) Also check: & this
I know I'm answering months after this question was asked, but for others who might be searching for a similar answer, I'll point out openNURBS.
OpenNURBS also happens to be the library used in the modeling package Rhinoceros. It's a very complete library and it's worth consideration.
This library may also be promising:
Eigen Spline is based on the famous (fast) C++ template library for linear algebra.
An excellent library that is also supplemented by an online book is from MIT. Here is the (hyper)book
and in the bottom of the link you will find the related software, here:
GSL has a nice very basic b-spline implementation, but it does not include NURBS curves neither algorithms for inserting/removing knots, or several more advanced things. You can also find many useful algorithms that you can compile in your own language in the book, "The NURBS book", Piegl & Tiller, this one:
Numerical Recipes do not include support for b-splines.
Also ITK has a class for bspline itkBSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter see example at ( documentation at )
SISL seems to be a good NURBS library (under the AGPL licence). It is part of GoTools which can be cloned here.