I am writing a client side JS app and I am having some trouble with the REST interface to Domino server (version 8.5.3 with OSGi extension), the GET part works but I am having issues with the POST see code below. This creates a document in Domino/Notes when I click on it I get the follow messages
Note Item not found
tmpStartTime_Local : incorrect data type for operator or @Function Time/Date expected
I then tried to fill in all the “tmp” time fields this can create a document but it is not correct either. I also tried to use the “Notice” rather than appointment form again no good.
When I open the document in Notes it say it is an Agenda Item but not a meeting and also that it is recurring which it is not. It appears in “all documents” but not in the Calendar or the resource reservation. I think it is either I am not setting the correct values for an appointment document or I am not calling the correct service any ideas how to correct ?
function postREST()
var msg=
"Subject":"TEST C3",
"Body":"The date/time variant is basically just a floating-point number with the date as the integer part and the time as the fractional part. It can be freely converted back and forth to a Double, without losing information.",
"$Programmatically": "1",
"ExcludeFromView": ["D","S" ],
"NoticeType" : "I",
"Room":"Room2\/ZAC Atalante champeaux@acme",
"AppointmentType":"3", // 0 = Appointment 3 Meeting
"_ViewIcon":158, // Meeting
"Repeats":"", // doesn't appear to do much
"OrgTable":"C0", // Calendar entry 0 => first Calendar
"StartTimeZone":"Z=-1$DO=1$DL=3 -1 1 10 -1 1$ZX=68$ZN=Romance",
"EndTimeZone":"Z=-1$DO=1$DL=3 -1 1 10 -1 1$ZX=68$ZN=Romance",
"content": [
"contentType":"text\/html; charset=US-ASCII",
"data":"<html><body>HELLO WORLD<\/body><\/html>\r\n\r\n"
try {
var Amsg = JSON.stringify(msg);
catch (err) {
log(": Exception:"+ err);
var url = "";
var username = "admin";
var password = "pwd";
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("loadstart", function(evt) { //log("loadstart");log(evt);
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener("progress", function(evt)
{ //log("progress");log(evt);
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", function(evt) {
error("xmlhttprequest ERROR");
log("ERROR readyState : " + this.readyState + " status : " + this.status + " " + this.statusText);
log("ERROR responseText : " + this.responseText);
log("ERROR responseXML : " + this.responseXML);
error(evt); }, false);
xhr.addEventListener("abort", function(evt) { error("abort"); error(evt); }, false);
xhr.addEventListener("load", function(evt) { //log("load");log(evt);
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener("loadend", function(evt) {
log("loadend ANSWER : readyState : " + this.readyState + " status : " + this.status);
}, false);
xhr.open("POST", url, true, username, password);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
catch(err) {
log(": Exception:"+ err);