Python: Help with counters and writing files [dupl

2020-05-09 19:47发布


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Closed 8 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Python: How do I create sequential file names?

I was suggested to use a separate file as a counter to give my files sequential file names, but I don't understand how I would do that. I need my file names to have sequential numbers, like file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt. Any help is appreciated!

Edit: My mistake, I forgot to say that the code makes 1 file when it's executed, and needs a way to make a new separate one with a different file name.

More Edit: I am taking a screen shot basically and trying to write it to a file, and I want to be able to take more than one without it being overwritten.


More information probably is needed, but if you want to sequentially name files to avoid name clashes etc you don't necessarily need a separate file to record the current number. I'm assuming you want to write a new file from time to time, numbering to keep track of things?

So given a set of files, you want to know what the next valid file name would be.

Something like (for files in the current directory):

import os.path

def next_file_name(): num = 1 while True: file_name = 'file%d.txt' % num if not os.path.exists(file_name): return file_name num += 1

Obviously though as the number of files in the directory increases this will get slower, so it depends on how many files you expect there to be.


Something like this?

n = 100
for i in range(n):
  open('file' + str(i) + '.txt', 'w').close()


Hypothetical example.

import os
if not os.path.exists(counter_file):
    num=int(open(counter_file).read().strip()) #read the number
# do processing...
for line in open("file_to_process"):
    # ...processing ...
num+=1 #increment


# get current filenum, or 1 to start
  with open('counterfile', 'r') as f:
    filenum = int(
except (IOError, ValueError):
  filenum = 1

# write next filenum for next run
with open('counterfile', 'w') as f:
  f.write(str(filenum + 1))

filename = 'file%s.txt' % filenum
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
  f.write('whatever you need\n')
  # insert all processing here, write to f

In Python 2.5, you also need a first line of from __future__ import with_statement to use this code example; in Python 2.6 or better, you don't (and you could also use a more elegant formatting solution than that % operator, but that's a very minor issue).