I am writing code of a game in assembly language where the movement of the dinosaur depends on the key pressed from user. I have implemented my code in a way that if the user presses space bar the program should terminate and the dinosaur should move in a right direction on pressing "a". But I am facing a problem that after pressing any key for the first time the program doesn't look for any other key which is pressed after that which shows it is taking the first pressed key again and again. How to fix it?
I am using the function of mov ah, 01h and int 16h which returns ascii of pressed key in al register. after this I compare this with required ascii keys but this 16h is doing well only when any key is pressed for the first time.
mov ah, 1h
int 16h
mov keyboardkey, al ;keyboardkey is variable for storing ascii of key pressed
.IF( keyboardkey == 32 )
.IF( keyboardkey == 97 )
mov bx, startingXaxis
add bx, 10
mov startingXaxis, bx
call drawdinosaour
.IF (keyboardkey == 98 )
mov bx, startingXaxis
sub bx, 10
mov startingXaxis, bx
call drawdinosaur
call delay ;this function passes the program for 1/4 second
jmp label2
I was expecting that whenever i press spacebar the program will terminate but it only picks the key pressed for the first time and after that it keeps on acting according to that first key and doesn't look for any key that is pressed afterwards