This stackoverflow page can help you checkout bitbucket pull requests in Jenkins with Generic webhook trigger.
Jenkins: 1) Installing Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin and Bitbucket plugin in Jenkins
2) Configuring 'Bitbucket Endpoints' in Jenkins configuration.
3) Creating sample 'Pipeline' job in Jenkins (can configure Generic webhook plugin / configure bitbucket repo / include custom Jenkins file path)
Bitbucket: 4) Configuring Webhook in bitbucket repo to connect to Jenkins webhook plugin and checking 'Events' - Push, Comment Added.
Now assuming you can trigger Jenkins job from your bitbucket PR's by commenting.
I had a problem cloning the bitbucket pull-requests after triggering. It has to do with the Git SCM configuration.
Below is the way I resolved this issue.
1) In your sample pipeline job, check 'Print post content' under Generic Webhook plugin. You can see json content in the job console output.
2) Create a variable 'BRANCH' under 'Post content parameters' with expression value:
(can be derived from post content in console output) and check 'JSON path'.
Below is the pipeline Git SCM configuration:
Name: origin
RefSpec: +refs/heads/${BRANCH}
Branches to build
Branch Specifier (blank for 'any'): **/pull-requests/**
I was successful in resolving this cloning PR's issue after configuring in the above way.
I tried using the bitbucket pr id but worked only in 'Pipeline Script' when I tried to checkout the PR as below:
checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: 'FETCH_HEAD']],
extensions: [[$class: 'LocalBranch']],
userRemoteConfigs: [[refspec: "+refs/pull-requests/${PR_ID}/from:pr/${PR_ID}", credentialsId: '*****', url: 'https://stash***************.git']]
where PR_ID has expression value