I got a little problem with the OAuth for Google, I use the Jim Saunder Libraire for CodeIgniter (http://codeigniter.com/wiki/OAuth_for_Google) but when I came to my access_youtube function, which look like that :
public function access_youtube()
{ //STEP 2
// Here is the first call to load the library
$params['key'] = 's390075769.onlinehome.fr';
$params['secret'] = 'iHD72YKzWmbm8VTwncht_E-d';
// We can change the signing algorithm and http method by setting the following in your params array.
$params['algorithm'] = 'HMAC-SHA1';
// $params['method'] = "GET";
// We need to reload the library since we left our site beetween Step 1 & 2.
$this->load->library('google_oauth', $params);
// We are using HMAC signing you need to specify the token_secret you got from the request step as the second parameter of this method. So
$token_secret = $this->session->userdata('token_secret');
$oauth = $this->google_oauth->get_access_token(false, $token_secret);
// The access method will return an array with keys of ‘oauth_token’, and ‘oauth_token_secret’
// These values are your access token and your access token secret. We should store these in our database.
$this->session->set_userdata('oauth_token', $oauth['oauth_token']);
$this->session->set_userdata('oauth_token_secret', $oauth['oauth_token_secret']);
// Now you have an access token and can make google service requests on your users behalf
I got several error messages :
Undefined index: oauth_token
Undefined index: oauth_token_secret
which refer to the lines $this->session->set_userdata ...
and, after each error message I get :
Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/7/d390075755/htdocs/system/core/Exceptions.php:170) Filename: libraries/Session.php Line Number: 671
which, I think is linked with the previous error message.
so I tried that in the constructor :
class Example extends CI_Controller
private $CI;
public function __construct()
$this->CI =& get_instance();
$oauth = array();
just before my function but it doesn't do anything .. and I'm affraid I'm gonna loose my session variables stock by google ... isn't it ? Do I get my tokens from google ?