I recently moved from pyside
to pyqt5
and there is a problem. I looked it up online and apparently, it already happened to people who used pyqt4
and moved to pyqt5
. However, it didn't really help... I tried to add pyqtSignal
after Qobject
but it is still not working. Please help.
these are my code lines:
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"),Dialog.accept)
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), Dialog.reject)
and this is what appears when I run it:
AttributeError: type object 'QObject' has no attribute 'connect'
from the docs:
connect(slot[, type=PyQt5.QtCore.Qt.AutoConnection[, no_receiver_check=False]])
Connect a signal to a slot. An exception will be raised if the connection failed.
– the slot to connect to, either a Python callable or another bound signal.
– the type of the connection to make.
– suppress the check that the underlying C++ receiver instance still exists and deliver the signal anyway.
for your example:
self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(Dialog.accept) # pyqt5
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.buttonBox.rejected, Dialog.reject) # pyqt4
As a sidenote, "Dialog" sounds like a class, you probably want to connect to an instance, else think about naming your instances with lowercase front-letters ...