I am retrieving the moved element top and left values and displaying it within the element, the issue is the top, left values of the current moved element modifies the span text top,left of all the elements.
Note : It modifies the span text(top,left values) of all the elements which I dont want . The top,left positions per say of element are correct that is not getting affected.
<div (mousemove)="documentMouseMove($event)" #parentparent>
<div id="toget" class="dropzone">
<div class="box"
*ngFor="let existingZone of existingDroppedItemZoneIn">
{{ existingZone }}
<div class="box"
*ngFor="let box of dropzone1">
{{ box.dis }}
ts Code
export class abcComponent {
urlFloorZoneIn: any;
roomsFloorZoneIn: any;
existingDroppedItemZoneIn: any[] = [];
@Input() urlFloorZone;
@Input() roomsFloorZone;
@Input() currentBoxFloorZone;
@Input() existingDroppedItem: any[] = [];
mouse = {
x: null,
y: null,
down: false
will_draw = false;
dropzone1 = [];
currentBox?: string = this.currentBoxFloorZone;
constructor(private dataService: DataService, private elRef: ElementRef) {
@ViewChild('parentparent') parentparent;
@HostListener('mousedown', ['$event'])
onMousedown(event) {
this.mouse.down = true;
@HostListener('mouseup', ['$event'])
onMouseup(event) {
this.mouse.down = false;
documentMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) {
// move logic
if(!this.mouse.down) { return; }
const container_rect =
// relative to container, in px
this.mouse.x = e.clientX - container_rect.left;
this.mouse.y = e.clientY - container_rect.top;
if(!this.will_draw) {
this.will_draw = true;
draw() {
this.will_draw = false;
const { width, height} =
const perc_x = this.mouse.x / width * 100;
const perc_y = this.mouse.y / height * 100;
// -5 to center (elem has its width set to 10%)
console.log('left', (perc_x - 5) + '%');
this.left = perc_x - 7;
// -5 to center (elem has its height set to 10%)
console.log('top', (perc_y - 5) + '%');
this.top = perc_y - 7;
ngOnInit() {}
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes.urlFloorZone && changes.urlFloorZone.currentValue) {
this.urlFloorZoneIn = changes.urlFloorZone.currentValue;
if (changes.roomsFloorZone && changes.roomsFloorZone.currentValue) {
this.roomsFloorZoneIn = changes.roomsFloorZone.currentValue
if(changes.existingDroppedItem &&
this.existingDroppedItemZoneIn =
Block 1 should show in its span text its respective top,left and Block 2 should show in its span text its respective top,left and so on
______________ ______________
| | | |
| 1 | | 2 |
| 32.77 4.6 | | 32.77 4.6|
-------------- --------------
| |
| 3 |
| 32.77 4.6|