How can I add value on the other section on Google forms in unity3d?
I can only add values on section 1. I am having trouble on adding values on other sections.
here is the code
public GameObject username;
public GameObject email;
public GameObject phone;
public GameObject phone2;
private string Name;
private string Email;
private string Phone;
private string Phone2;
private string BASE_URL = "";
IEnumerator Post(string name, string email, string phone, string phone2) {
WWWForm form = new WWWForm();
form.AddField("entry.1417744726", name);
form.AddField("entry.881581736", email);
form.AddField("entry.977000887", phone);
form.AddField("entry.1897661126", phone2);
byte[] rawData =;
WWW www = new WWW(BASE_URL, rawData);
yield return www;
public void Send() {
Name = username.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
Email = email.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
Phone = phone.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
Phone2 = phone2.GetComponent<InputField>().text;
StartCoroutine(Post(Name, Email, Phone, Phone2));