individual value in loop [closed]

2020-05-09 02:17发布


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Closed 7 years ago.

I am running a loop:

$array = $_POST['d'];

foreach($array as $a){

$array contains the array (the number of array varies) and i get this as a result. I just want to know how i can call these values individually in the loop. for example: $thing = value of methv in the loop

Array ( 
   [1173627548] => Array ( 
     [num] => 1173627548 
     [methv] => dont know 
     [q1] => - 
     [q2] => - 
     [q3] => U 
     [q4] => - 
     [comm] => 

Sorry if i am unclear

print_r($array) show this:

Array ( [0] => Array ( [1173627548] => Array ( [num] => 1173627548 [methv] => dont know [q1] => - [q2] => - [q3] => U [q4] => - [comm] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [1182868902] => Array ( [num] => 1182868902 [methv] => dont know [q1] => - [q2] => - [q3] => U [q4] => - [comm] => ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [1173627548] => Array ( [num] => 1173627548 [methv] => dont know [q1] => - [q2] => - [q3] => U [q4] => - [comm] => ) ) [1] => Array ( [1182868902] => Array ( [num] => 1182868902 [methv] => dont know [q1] => - [q2] => - [q3] => U [q4] => - [comm] => ) ) ) 

Note: I now have 2 arrays in this array


I guess you want to loop on array $a, each one of whose elements are also arrays.

When you loop $array there is one item whose info is the one you said:

Array ( 
   [1173627548] => Array ( 
     [num] => 1173627548 
     [methv] => dont know 
     [q1] => - 
     [q2] => - 
     [q3] => U 
     [q4] => - 
     [comm] => 

If you want to access methv element you should do the following:

foreach($array as $a){
    echo $a["methv"]; // this would access $array[ 1173627548 ][ "methv" ]

While the foreach continues you will keep accessing to all $array[ ][ "methv" ] values Hope it helps.

Based on your comment indicating the print_r($array).

First of all, let me indent it so that we get a better overview of the array:

    Array ( 
    [0] => Array ( 
    [1173627548] => Array ( 
        [num] => 1173627548 
        [methv] => dont know 
        [q1] => - 
        [q2] => - 
        [q3] => U 
        [q4] => - 
        [comm] => 
    [1] => Array ( 
     [1182868902] => Array ( 
        [num] => 1182868902 
        [methv] => dont know 
        [q1] => - 
        [q2] => - 
        [q3] => U 
        [q4] => - 
        [comm] => )
 Array (
    [0] => Array (
    [1173627548] => Array ( 
        [num] => 1173627548 
        [methv] => dont know 
        [q1] => - 
        [q2] => - 
        [q3] => U 
        [q4] => - [comm] => 
    [1] => Array (
     [1182868902] => Array (
        [num] => 1182868902 
        [methv] => dont know 
        [q1] => - 
        [q2] => - 
        [q3] => U 
        [q4] => -
        [comm] => 

I guess you are printing it twice, because we can see two exactly arrays one after the other.

If you want to get [methv] item, what you need is to access:

$array[ 0 ][ 1173627548 ][ "methv" ]
$array[ 1 ][ 1182868902 ][ "methv" ]

So what you can do is to use foreach twice:

foreach ($array as $a) {
    foreach ($a as $v) {
        echo $v[ "methv" ];


For debugging, I would suggest some crude but readable debugging, like this:

function trace($a) { print "<pre>".var_export($a, 1)."</pre>"; }
// then you can do:

As for your question, you can access the methv key like this: $array[0][1173627548]['methv'] (or $array[1173627548]['methv'] if the above trace is the full $array variable).