I need a bash script to print folder names and file names recursively (in stdo/p). For example: i have a folders structure like /earth/plants/flowers/rose/rose.jpg.
now i need to list this files and folders like this i mean my O/P script should be,
category=animal (plant)
sub cat = carni
name = lion.jpg.
i tried
`find / -name "*" -print | awk -F"/" '{ print "\n planet=",$2,"\n category=",$3,"\n sub cat=",$4,"\n Name=",$5, $6 }'`
above command gives me following O/P.
category=animal (plant)
sub cat = carni
name = lion.jpg
But in some cases i've additional folders like "/earth/animals/herbi/omni/rabbit.jpg
" in this case order is changing in output like:
sub cat = herbi
name = omni
so i need to list additional subcat in few places . like
sub cat = herbi
add cat = omni
name = rabbit.jpg
so how to do that with a single script.Scripts apart from awk is also welcome.
`find / -name "*" -print | awk -F"/" '{ print "\n planet=",$2,"\n category=",$3,"\n sub cat=",$4,"\n Name=",$5,$6}``
in this case what ever there in $5 it will print as name only.so need something like this.
``find / -name "*" -print | awk -F"/" '{ print "\n planet=",$2,"\n category=",$3,"\n sub cat=",$4,"\n add cat =",$5,(if $5 = foldername print "add cat = omni") name = $6 }'"``.
thanks, vijai k