I'm trying to add a custom font as a resource in my application.
I have a "CustomFont" directory in the application and all the fonts inside of it are set to "Resource"
<Style x:Key="Gotham-XLight">
<Setter Property="TextElement.FontFamily"
Value="/CustomFonts;Component/#Gotham-XLight" />
And then on my TextBlock I have this: (inside a grid)
<TextBlock x:Name="TimeTextBlock" Style="{DynamicResource Gotham-XLight}"
TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="25" FontWeight="Bold"
Foreground="White" Text="TextBlockTimer"
Margin="105,242.974,0,226.975" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Width="221.919" />
But I'm not seeing my font as people say. Am I doing something wrong?
You may want to check the name of the font, you need to specify the name of the font not the name of the file.
Double click on the font file and it should show a "Font name:" that's what you want to make sure is specified in your style.
Try this
<Style x:Key="Gotham-XLight">
<Setter Property="TextElement.FontFamily" Value="CustomFonts/#Gotham-XLight" />
Also, if you are not planning on changing the style at runtime {StaticResource Gotham-XLight}
will be much more performant.
In xaml I did it like this:
<Button Grid.Column="1" Grid.RowSpan="2" Name="start" Margin="5" Click="start_Click">
<TextBlock Name="test" FontFamily="pack://application:,,,/Y_Yoga;Component/Resources/#FontAwesome"></TextBlock>
However, I don't know if #FontAwesome is font's embedded name or is it the result that I renamed the .ttf file.
Hope to be helpful!