How to fill some rows of Excel in a JTable on Java

2020-05-09 01:04发布


I'm working on importing data from an Excel file into a Java JTable. I can import all the sheet, but I want to import only some rows. This is the code I'm using to import the sheet:

 private void remplirtable(JTable table, int numfeuil,String s) {

        Workbook wb;
        File fichier = new File(s);
        try {
            //création de la table et importation du fichier
                    wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(fichier);
            Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet(numfeuil);
            String[] columnsnames=new String[sheet.getColumns()];
            DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
            //Remplir la table désignée
            int colonnes = sheet.getColumns();
            int lignes = sheet.getRows();
            Object data[] = new Object[colonnes];
            for (int i=0; i<lignes; i++){
                for (int j=0; j<colonnes; j++){
                if (i==0)
                        //Component c=super.prepareRenderer(renderer, j, i);


        } catch (BiffException | IOException e) {


In order to import only the rows (3,4,5), I used this code. A is the array in which we stock the rows numbers:

private void RemplirPostes(JTable table, int numfeuil,String s,int[] A) {
        Workbook wb;
        File fichier = new File(s);
        try {
            //création de la table et importation du fichier
                    wb = Workbook.getWorkbook(fichier);
            Sheet sheet = wb.getSheet(numfeuil);
            DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();
            //Remplir la table désignée
            int colonnes = sheet.getColumns();
                Object data[] = new Object[colonnes];

                        for(int k=0;k<A.length;k++)
                              for (int j=0; j<colonnes; j++){
                              if (A[k]==0)
                        //Component c=super.prepareRenderer(renderer, j, i);




                } catch (BiffException | IOException e) {


And all this doesn't work.


Starting from this complete example, the following code creates a table having the indicated number of COLUMNS from MIN_ROW to MAX_ROW, inclusive.

private static final int COLUMNS = 4;
private static final int MIN_ROW = 3;
private static final int MAX_ROW = 5;
DataFormatter format = new DataFormatter();
DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(0, COLUMNS);
for (Row row : sheet) {
    if (row.getRowNum() >= MIN_ROW && row.getRowNum() <= MAX_ROW) {
        Vector rowData = new Vector();
        for (Cell cell : row) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("TableTest");
f.add(new JTable(model));

Addendum: Looking closer at your current approach, you may want to accommodate non-contiguous rows. It may help to replace your array with a List<Integer>. You can then use contains() in place of the predicate above:

if (a.contains(row.getRowNum()) {…}

Addendum: To evaluate formulae, you can pass a FormulaEvaluator to formatCellValue().

FormulaEvaluator eval = book.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();
rowData.add(format.formatCellValue(cell, eval));