I am having difficulty inserting data with its related entities.
public class Status : Entity, IAggregateRoot
//other properties
public readonly List<Video> _videos;
public readonly List<Photo> _photos;
public class Log : Entity, IAggregateRoot
//other properties
public readonly List<Video> _videos;
public readonly List<Photo> _photos;
public readonly List<Sound> _audios;
public class Photo : Entity, IAggregateRoot
//other properties
public string Type { get; set; }
public int TypeId { get; set; }
Basically, A status object can have zero or more videos or pictures. A log object can also have zero or more videos, sound or pictures. Below is the fluent api code used to achieve this:
class LogEntityTypeConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Log>
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Log> logConfiguration)
logConfiguration.HasMany(b => b.Videos)
logConfiguration.HasMany(b => b.Photos)
logConfiguration.HasMany(b => b.Audios)
public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Status> statusConfiguration)
statusConfiguration.HasMany(b => b.Videos)
statusConfiguration.HasMany(b => b.Photos)
This builds just fine, the image below shows the generated foreign keys.
I have got a log repository class, when trying to insert a log object, i get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint
"FK_Photos_Statuses_TypeId". The conflict occurred in database "xxxx", table "dbo.Statuses", column 'Id'
public async Task<Log> AddAsync(Log log, LogFiles files)
var strategy = _context.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
await strategy.ExecuteAsync(async () => {
using (var txn = _context.Database.BeginTransaction())
if (log.IsTransient())
if (files.Video != null)
Video vid = new Video();
vid = files.Video;
if(files.Picture != null)
Photo ph = new Photo();
ph = files.Picture;
if(files.Audio != null)
Sound aud = new Sound();
aud = files.Audio;
catch (Exception ex)
return log;
I also don't understand why the foreign key of the status object is showing up among the error list, when i'm trying to insert a log object??
p.s if you have a better way i could model the relationship please share.