I read 4 entry boxes and store them as 4 elements of a matrix (numpy), then when a button is clicked, a function (convert) runs and a matrix is stored in z (z is declared as global in the function (convert)). 4 labels with attribute textvariable assigned a different elemet of z for each label. When it runs, the labels should be the calculated z but instead they're just zeros. When I type z in the command line after I close the program, it prints the correct z.
Sorry if this sounds novice, I come from a C background and I started using python recently.
def convert():
y[0,0] = float(inA.get()) #previously declared as numpy matrix
y[0,1] = float(inB.get())
y[1,0] = float(inC.get())
y[1,1] = float(inD.get())
inType = intype.get()
outType = outtype.get()
global z
z = convertParam(outType,convertParam(inType,y,0),1)
outparam11 = tkinter.Label(top,width=5,textvariable = z[0,0]) #label