I have a big json file (+-10mb). I want to load in this json file (myjson.json) in a Javascript function located in a HTML webpage. I found a lot of answers on google that say things like "rename to myjson.js" and add var data = " yourjson"
and in your html file include myjson.js and acces the variable data. This is not what I want. I want to load in the JSON file without renaming/altering it and without a webserver (No AJAX).
Can anyone help me?
$.getJSON('myjson.json', function(myjson) {...}
Will not work.
Including css and js functions is so easy why is it so impossible to access a locally stored json file without a webserver?
Edit: json file first lines
[{"participants": ["a", "b"], "conversation": [{"sender": "b", "created_at": "2019-09-23T22:04:42.083698+00:00", "text": "xxx"},
Edit: adding my js for clarification
Edit: Can't because I'm on mobile and code formatting doesn't work here