How do I access the context for the Provider in the initState
I keep getting the error
flutter: The following assertion was thrown building Builder:
flutter: inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(_Provider<ProductProvider>) or inheritFromElement() was called before
flutter: _ProductDetailsPageState.initState() completed.
Whenever I run the code below
if (Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context).selectedProduct == null) {
product = Product();
product.isReturnable = true;
product.isActive = true;
product.premiumType = "None Selected";
product.category = 'None Selected';
product.principal = 'None Selected';
} else {
product = Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context).selectedProduct;
N.B. the above code worked perfectly when I used the Scoped Model, however, user the Provider Model and Package throws an exception.
What I need it to access the provider before the build process, because contents of the provider are needed to build the UI.