Provider Throw Errors in InitState. Provider.of

2020-05-08 07:50发布


How do I access the context for the Provider in the initState

I keep getting the error

flutter: The following assertion was thrown building Builder:
flutter: inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(_Provider<ProductProvider>) or inheritFromElement() was called before
flutter: _ProductDetailsPageState.initState() completed.

Whenever I run the code below

if (Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context).selectedProduct == null) {
      product = Product();
      product.isReturnable = true;
      product.isActive = true;
      product.premiumType = "None Selected";
      product.category = 'None Selected';
      product.principal = 'None Selected';
    } else {
      product = Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context).selectedProduct;

N.B. the above code worked perfectly when I used the Scoped Model, however, user the Provider Model and Package throws an exception.

What I need it to access the provider before the build process, because contents of the provider are needed to build the UI.


Provider.of<ProductProvider>(context, listen: false).selectedProduct and ensure there are no NotifyListeners in the initState call.


Try to postpone this call with Future.delayed(...)


Use Simon's AfterLayout package and call it in the function you need to implement. It will be called after Build() has been run

标签: dart flutter