Now, I have written a binary search for Python (version 2.7). Sometimes, it works just fine, but at other times it returns None although the searched value is in the array. I have tried every trivial way of fixing this: I have checked whether the variable the function returns is defined, whether the branch of the workflow in which the return statement is located is executed. And: the variable is defined, the branch is executed.
Here is the code:
def binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, iMax ):
# Returns the index of the first instance of what we search
print 'min'
print iMin
print 'max'
print iMax
# If our search array is empty
if ( iMin > iMax ):
return None
midP = (iMin + iMax)/2
curre = tapeNr( array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] )
final = tapeNr( desiderata )
print 'curre'
print curre
print 'final'
print final
print 'midP'
print midP
if ( curre < final ):
# print midP
print "t: " + array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] + ", d: " + desiderata
binarySearch( array, desiderata, midP + 1, iMax )
if ( curre > final ):
# print midP
print "t: " + array[midP][TAPE_NUMBER] + ", d: " + desiderata
binarySearch( array, desiderata, iMin, midP - 1 )
print 'hooray'
# Now, find the first occurence of the value I need
i = midP
while ( array[i][TAPE_NUMBER] == desiderata ):
i -= 1
print i
print (i + 1)
return (i + 1)
There are a lot of 'print' statements because of my debugging. The last of them, 'print (i+1)', actually prints (!) the index value of the thing I need, but the function still returns None.
Do you have a clue about the source of the problem?