I am trying to combine the solutions provided in both of these SO answers - Using threading to slice an array into chunks and perform calculation on each chunk and reassemble the returned arrays into one array and Pass multiple parameters to concurrent.futures.Executor.map?. I have a numpy array that I chunk into segments and I want each chunk to be sent to a separate thread and an additional argument to be sent along with the chunk of the original array. This additional argument is a constant and will not change. The performCalc is a function that will take two arguments -one the chunk of the original numpy array and a constant.
First solution I tried
import psutil
import numpy as np
import sys
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
def main():
def testThread():
minLat = -65.76892
maxLat = 66.23587
minLon = -178.81404
maxLon = 176.2949
latGrid = np.arange(minLat,maxLat,0.05)
lonGrid = np.arange(minLon,maxLon,0.05)
gridLon,gridLat = np.meshgrid(latGrid,lonGrid)
grid_points = np.c_[gridLon.ravel(),gridLat.ravel()]
n_jobs = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
chunk = np.array_split(grid_points,n_jobs,axis=0)
x = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs)
maxDistance = 4.3
func = partial(performCalc,chunk)
args = [chunk,maxDistance]
# This prints 4.3 twice although there are four cores in the system
results = x.map(func,args)
# This prints 4.3 four times correctly
results1 = x.map(performTest,chunk)
def performCalc(chunk,maxDistance):
return chunk
def performTest(chunk):
So performCalc() prints 4.3 twice even though the number of cores in the system is 4. While performTest() prints test four times correctly. I am not able to figure out the reason for this error.
Also I am sure the way I set up the for itertools.partial call is incorrect.
1) There are four chunks of the original numpy array.
2) Each chunk is to be paired with maxDistance and sent to performCalc()
3) There will be four threads that will print maxDistance and will return parts of the total result which will be returned in one array
Where am I going wrong ?
I tried using the lambda approach as well
results = x.map(lambda p:performCalc(*p),args)
but this prints nothing.