How lookup anchor tag by attribute name and/or

2020-05-08 01:38发布


This is the web that I am trying to automate:

My requirement is to click on the image depending on the color entered as input. For example, if "red" is entered as input I must click in the red sweatshirt like the previous picture.

Target images are in <li><a>:

<ul class="styles">
   <li><a class="" data-images="..." data-style-name="Red" data-style-id="22898" href="...">
     <img src="//" alt="Rymay fhcva" width="32" height="32"></a>
   <li><a class="" data-images="..." data-style-name="Natural" data-style-id="22899" href="...">
     <img src="//" alt="P9adxzbmqq4" width="32" height="32"></a>
   <li><a class="" data-images="..." data-style-name="Navy" data-style-id="22900" href="...">
     <img src="//" alt="Nc1ywbfpu5g" width="32" height="32"></a>
   <li><a class="" data-images="..." data-style-name="Black" data-style-id="22901" href="...">
     <img src="//" alt="Viampe40s9u" width="32" height="32"></a>

In the data-style-name="Red" attribute.

I tried with this:


But it does not seem to find it.

How can I achieve this?



Here some approaches:

  • You can lookup the <a> who has data-style-name=YourColor using xpath:

  • Loop through the all <a> and compare the data-style-name attribute value with the input color:

elems = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//a[@href]")
for elem in elems:
    print elem.get_attribute("data-style-name")


Use following XPath :

XPATH : //p[@class='style protect' and normalize-space()='"+COLOR_VALUE_VARIABLE+"']

driver.find_element_by_xpath("//p[@class='style protect' and normalize-space()='"+COLOR_VALUE_VARIABLE+"']")