I am working on a Jupyter Notebook
in which I am using a button created with ipywidgets
to display a df
when clicking on it. For this I am using the following code:
import ipywidgets as widgets
import numpy as np
vartest = 0
Button = widgets.Button(description='Search', disabled=False, button_style='info', tooltip='Search')
def whenclick2(b):
global df
if vartest==0:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(5))
class displayDF(object):
def _create_widgets(self):
self.button = Button
self.button.on_click(self._on_button_clicked) # define which function to run when cliked
def _on_button_clicked(self, change):
self.out.clear_output() # clean previous outptu (I think ). Not working
with self.out:# using self.out (the output widget) do the display
display(df) #aqui es donde digo que haga display del dataframe que es la variable self.file1
def display_widgets(self):
self._create_widgets() # calls the creation of the widgets
self.out = widgets.Output() # this is the output widget in which the df is displayed
display(widgets.VBox([self.out])) # controls layout of widget position
def get_df_objects(self):
return self.df_objects
# Run class and store output in something
something = displayDF()
# output the display
#return df
The code does the job and displays the df
however, when clicking again it seems the clear_output()
code is not working. Instead of removing the previous output and then deliver the a new, it just prints the second one below the first, etc.
This code is an adaptation coming from this post - Python onclick button widget return object . In that example, he manages to make it work but I am trying to adapt it to my case and I cannot reproduce that behabiour. What am I missing?