How to get other columns when using Spark DataFram

2019-01-22 13:29发布


when I use DataFrame groupby like this:


I will only get a DataFrame with columns "age" and "count(id)",but in df,there are many other columns like "name".

In all,I want to get the result as in MySQL,

"select name,age,count(id) from df group by age"

What should I do when use groupby in Spark?


Long story short in general you have to join aggregated results with the original table. Spark SQL follows the same pre-SQL:1999 convention as most of the major databases (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server) which doesn't allow additional columns in aggregation queries.

Since for aggregations like count results are not well defined and behavior tends to vary in systems which supports this type of queries you can just include additional columns using arbitrary aggregate like first or last.

In some cases you can replace agg using select with window functions and subsequent where but depending on the context it can be quite expensive.


One way to get all columns after doing a groupBy is to use join function.

feature_group = ['name', 'age']
data_counts = df.groupBy(feature_group).count().alias("counts")
data_joined = df.join(data_counts, feature_group)

data_joined will now have all columns including the count values.


May be this solution will helpfull.

from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import Window

    name_list = [(101, 'abc', 24), (102, 'cde', 24), (103, 'efg', 22), (104, 'ghi', 21),
                 (105, 'ijk', 20), (106, 'klm', 19), (107, 'mno', 18), (108, 'pqr', 18),
                 (109, 'rst', 26), (110, 'tuv', 27), (111, 'pqr', 18), (112, 'rst', 28), (113, 'tuv', 29)]

age_w = Window.partitionBy("age")
name_age_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(name_list, ['id', 'name', 'age'])

name_age_count_df = name_age_df.withColumn("count", F.count("id").over(age_w)).orderBy("count")


| id|name|age|count|
|109| rst| 26|    1|
|113| tuv| 29|    1|
|110| tuv| 27|    1|
|106| klm| 19|    1|
|103| efg| 22|    1|
|104| ghi| 21|    1|
|105| ijk| 20|    1|
|112| rst| 28|    1|
|101| abc| 24|    2|
|102| cde| 24|    2|
|107| mno| 18|    3|
|111| pqr| 18|    3|
|108| pqr| 18|    3|


You can do like this :

Sample data:

name    age id
abc     24  1001
cde     24  1002
efg     22  1003
ghi     21  1004
ijk     20  1005
klm     19  1006
mno     18  1007
pqr     18  1008
rst     26  1009
tuv     27  1010
pqr     18  1012
rst     28  1013
tuv     29  1011"name","age","id").groupBy("name","age").count().show();


    | efg| 22|    1|
    | tuv| 29|    1|
    | rst| 28|    1|
    | klm| 19|    1|
    | pqr| 18|    2|
    | cde| 24|    1|
    | tuv| 27|    1|
    | ijk| 20|    1|
    | abc| 24|    1|
    | mno| 18|    1|
    | ghi| 21|    1|
    | rst| 26|    1|