I have a simple datagridview with a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, and a DataGridViewTextBoxColumn. The Combobox is populated as follows: (where PNcombo.text is a standard combobox)
Dim objConn As New SqlConnection(DatabaseConnection.FISSQLConnectionString)
Dim str1 As New StringBuilder
str1.Append("SELECT cp.Description, cp.CollectionPointId ")
str1.Append("FROM CollectionPoints cp INNER JOIN ")
str1.Append(" Products p ON cp.ProductIdValue = p.ProductId ")
str1.Append("WHERE p.PartNumber = N'" & Trim(PNcombo.Text) & "'")
Dim objCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(str1.ToString, objConn)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim colDesription As New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With colDesription
.DataSource = dt
.DisplayMember = "Description"
.ValueMember = "Description"
End With
Dim colCollectionPoint As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
With colCollectionPoint
.Name = "CollectioPntId"
.DataPropertyName = "CollectionPointId"
End With
The combox in the dgv populates correctly, but I need to get the associated "CollectionPointID" and put it in the textbox within the dgv.
From here I don't know how to get the cell value that I select from the combobox.