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Closed 4 years ago.
I have created an r-script in the folder "csv_file"
marc@Marc-Linux:~/csv_file$ ls
8388.26580527145.csv csv_file.Rproj excel source write_csv2.R
Now I would like to create a crontab that executes this file every five minutes till 10am. Therefore I wrote the following
#open crontab
crontab -e
#add to file
*/5 10 * * * ~/csv_file/write_csv2.R
This however does not seem to work. That makes sense cause when I try to run
marc@Marc-Linux:~$ ~/csv_file/write_csv2.R
I get the following error:
-bash: /home/marc/csv_file/write_csv2.R: Permission denied
Any thoughts what goes wrong here?