Im having an issue with inserting data into the wordpress database through my plugin. My plugin uses a shortcode to display a form from which some calculations are made and then that information is the then supposed to be inserted into the database but I end up getting this message.
I can't seem to get it to work?.. Any help would be appreciated greatly.
PLUGIN CODE used for the insert:
include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/wp-config.php' );
'name' => $_POST['name'],
'last_name' => $_POST['lname'],
'phone_number' => $_POST['phone_num'],
'email' => $_POST['email'],
'booking_status' => "Booked",
'tour_name' => $_POST['tourname'],
'tour_date' => $_POST['tourdates'],
'number_of_people' => $_POST['num_ppl'],
'price' => $_POST['priceget'],
'state' => $_POST['state'],
'city' => $_POST['city'],
'country' => $_POST['country'],
'mobile' => $_POST['mobile'],
'preffered_pickup_point' => $_POST['locationpickup'],
'arrival_date' => $_POST['arrivaldate'],
'name_on_credit_card' => $_POST['cn'],
'credit_card_type' => $_POST['type'],
'payment_date' => date("d-m-y"),
'occasion' => $_POST['occasion'],
'requirementsO' => $_POST['requirementsO'],
'requirementsP' => $_POST['requirementsP']
Fatal error: Call to a member function insert() on a non-object in /home/user/public_html/wp-content/plugins/BookingWT/booknow.php on line 52