I have an issue that's nearly identical to the one outlined here (Console app not parsing correctly args with white spaces) but that answer has no bearing on my situation.
I'm receiving arguments to my simple program that are paths and path+filenames with potentially lots of spaces in them. What's happening is that spaces in the paths are generating many more arguments than I actually have. I was manually reconstructing what I needed by passing through the args array, but I discovered today that if the filename has two spaces my method won't work, and I can't know that in the program to fix it.
Upload "\somesrv\Data\cust\99999_Test4\Working\" "\somesrv\Data\cust\99999_Test4\Working\99999_Test4-GUAST - Buyers List PA 11 15 14_112514_101753 AM_Sht=And stuff_Automation\99999_Test4-GUAST - Buyers List PA 11 15 14_112514_101753 AM_Sht=And stuff_Automation.zip"
So in the case of that set of arguments I get an args[] with 21 elements. Given that there's a pair of spaces at one point I have no hope of correcting this.
Is there anything I can do to make sure that the paths come through in tact? On the giving or receiving end is fine, as I'm in control of both, but not the paths/filenames themselves.
static void Main(string[] args)
//args 0 = Switch value
//args 1 = Working Directory
//args 2 = Mail.dat zip file
if (args.Length == 0)
string maildatName = args[1].Substring(args[1].IndexOf("Working")+8, args[1].Length - (args[1].IndexOf("Working")+8)) + " ";
for (int x = 2; x < args.Length; x++)
maildatName += args[x];
maildatName += " ";
args[1] = args[1].Substring(0, args[1].IndexOf("Working") + 7);
maildatName = maildatName.Trim();