How can i write a isFunction function in scala, so that this works:
def isFunction(x:Any) = /* SomeCode */
println(isFunction(isFunction _)) //true
println(isFunction("not a function")) //false
How can i write a isFunction function in scala, so that this works:
def isFunction(x:Any) = /* SomeCode */
println(isFunction(isFunction _)) //true
println(isFunction("not a function")) //false
Quite ugly, but it works:
def isFunction(x:Any) = x match {
case _: Function0[_] => true
case _: Function1[_, _] => true
case _: Function2[_, _, _] => true
case _: Function22[...] => true
case _: PartialFunction[_, _] => true
case _ => false
In scala you can view Functions as just objects that have a public apply
method. I am not familiar with the new scala 2.10 reflection api, but you can always use traditional java way as:
def isFunction(x:Any) ={name =>
name == "apply" || name.startsWith("apply$")
val set = Set(1, 2)
val str = "abc"
val func = { _:Int=> 1 }
val map = Map(1 -> 2)
val tuple = 1->2
val obj = new { def apply = 1 }
val obj2 = new { private def apply = 2 }
I am not a special fan of your solution and I agree with Daniel Sobral comment. If I had to implement it I would do that in a type safe way, through implicit conversion
trait IsFunctionable {
def isFunction : Boolean
object IsFunctionable {
object IsFunction extends IsFunctionable {
def isFunction = true
object IsNotFunction extends IsFunctionable {
def isFunction = false
implicit def function0ToIsFunctionable[A<:Function0[_]](a:A):IsFunctionable = IsFunction
implicit def function1ToIsFunctionable[A<:Function1[_,_]](a:A):IsFunctionable = IsFunction
implicit def function2ToIsFunctionable[A<:Function2[_,_,_]](a:A):IsFunctionable = IsFunction
// and so on
implicit def anyToIsFunctionable[A](a:A):IsFunctionable = IsNotFunction
And now you can happily test in the repl:
scala> import IsFunctionable._
import IsFunctionable._
scala> val a: Int => Int = _ * 2
a: Int => Int = <function1>
scala> val b: (Int,Int) => Int = (_*_)
b: (Int, Int) => Int = <function2>
scala> a(3)
res0: Int = 6
scala> b(2,4)
res3: Int = 8
scala> a.isFunction
res4: Boolean = true
scala> b.isFunction
res5: Boolean = true
scala> "Hello".isFunction
res6: Boolean = false