I have Question model and an answer model.
Each question can have one answer per user. I am trying to preset to a user a form to answer all questions, but couldnt really figure out how to do it with formtastic
Here is what I have so far
- @questions.each do |q|
= q.content
- ans = @user.answers.where(question_id:q.id).first.try(:content) || q.description
= semantic_form_for @answers do |f|
= f.label q.content
= f.inputs :content, placeholder: ans
= f.actions
I am trying to get some hint from How to loop through two alternating resources on a form? but I keep getting "undefined method `model_name' for Class:Class" for @questions if I try:
= semantic_form_for @questions do |q|
= q.input :content
= q.semantic_fields_for @answer do |a|
= a.inputs :content
= q.actions
Based on Railscast 198, but using formtastic here is my attempt that doesn't work either:
- semantic_form_for :Answer, :url => api_v1_answers_path, :method => :put do |f|
- @questions.each do |q|
- f.fields_for 'questions[]', q do |ff|
= q.content
= ff.input
= submit_tag "Submit"
1] I will like to have user press submit only once after he has added/edited all the answers
2] If there is an answer already present, it should be pre-poulated in the text box
3] I dont mind using simple_form gem if that makes life easier
Rather then making a form for @questions
you need to pass a single object to your form helper (@questions
is an array of questions). A good way to achieve this is though a form object.
# app/forms/questions_form.rb
class QuestionsForm
include ActiveModel::Model
def initialize(user)
@user = user
def questions
@questions ||= Question.all
def submit(params)
params.questions.each_pair do |question_id, answer|
answer = Answer.find_or_initialize_by(question_id: question_id, user: current_user)
answer.content = answer
def answer_for(question)
answer = answers.select { |answer| answer.question_id == question.id }
def answers
@answers ||= @user.answers.where(question: questions)
Then in your controller you'd have:
# app/controllers/submissions_controller.rb
Class SubmissionsController < ApplicationController
def new
@questions_form = QuestionsForm.new(current_user)
def create
@questions_form = QuestionsForm.new(current_user)
redirect_to # where-ever
In your view you'll want something along the lines of:
# app/views/submissions/new.html.haml
= form_for @questions_form, url: submissions_path do |f|
- @questions_form.questions.each do |question|
%p= question.content
= f.text_field "questions[#{question.id}]", value: @questions_form.answer_for(question)
= f.submit "Submit"
This doesn't use formtastic at all, it's just using the plain rails form helpers.
This code isn't tested so not sure if it even works but hopefully it helps get you on the right track.