If I have a User
and Item
model, and they have a many-to-many association with each other, how do I build a query that returns:
(1) All items that belong to any user named 'Bob'
I tried:
Item.query.filter(User.name == 'Bob')
Which returns all items regardless of the user's name (incorrect)
(2) All items that have the name 'shark' and belong to any user named 'Bob'
I tried:
Item.query.filter(User.name == 'Bob' & Item.name == 'shark')
Same as above, but only returns items named 'shark' regardless of the user's name. (incorrect)
My model definitions:
association_table = Table('items_users',
Column('itemid', Integer, ForeignKey('item.id'), primary_key=True),
Column('userid', Integer, ForeignKey('user.id'), primary_key=True)
class Item(Model):
# other fields...
# many to many association
users = relationship('User', secondary=association_table, lazy='dynamic', backref=backref('items', lazy='dynamic'))
class User(Model):
# other fields...
What would be appropriate syntax for two queries?