From here i tried assigning Id's in the seeding method and this was OK for Languages but not when i added Address to the customer and assign Id's as well to these addresses, than it created the dupes again...
Both Address & Language are declared as DbSet<...> in my Context
What i tried:
- Adding 1 Address (with Id) - add this to 1 customer => Creates a dupe
- Adding 1 language & 1 Address (with Id's) - add both to 1 customer => Creates a dupe
- Adding 1 Customer with nothing buts its name => Doesn't create a dupe
- Adding 1 language (with Id) - add this to 1 customer => Doesn't create a dupe
I have a Override ToString() method on my Customer which return its name, I can observe that when i look at the duplicate while debugging 1 is with the name, the other is the Namespace where the Customer class resides in, which seems loguc since the Name is NULL in the Dupes case but i figured to mention it anyway ...
I am seeding my database with some metadata and i see that it has a very strange behavior i never saw before. I am inserting a Entity "Customer" and it inserts this entity 2 times, first insert is correct and has everything it should have, the other one has NULL properties (string values) but some (like datetimes) have values.
I have totally no clue why this is happening, it is occurring when i call the base.Seed(ctx); method, that i am sure since i stopped the Webapp after this before it reached anything else.
This entity Customer has a related Entity Language as well as a Collection of Addresses.
I have another post open (no suggestions yet) where the same issue occurs and this happened suddenly, i did not make any changes myself to my model or seeding methods ...
Base Entity:
public class BaseEntity
public int ID { get; set; }
public class Customer:BaseEntity
public string Name { get; set; }
public Language Language { get; set; }
public ICollection<Address> Addresses { get; set; }
public class Language : BaseEntity
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LanguageCode { get; set; }
public ICollection<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public class Address : BaseEntity
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
Seeding method:
Language newLanguageNL = new Language("Dutch");
newLanguageNL.ID = 1;
Language newLanguageFR = new Language("French");
newLanguageFR.ID = 2;
Language newLanguageEN = new Language("English");
newLanguageEN.ID = 3;
Address addressBE = new Address("informatica laan", "10", "bus nr 1", "8900", "België");
addressBE.ID = 1;
Address addressBE2 = new Address("rue de l'informatique", "20", "boite nr 2", "7780", "Belgique");
addressBE2.ID = 2;
Address addressEN = new Address("techstreet", "30", "box nr 1", "4000", "Bulgaria");
addressEN.ID = 3;
Customer newCustomer = new Customer("Customer name", newLanguageNL, addressBE);
// ctx.Customers.AddOrUpdate(c => c.Name, newCustomer);
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
// setting the Product FK relation required + related entity
modelBuilder.Entity<Entity.ProductSupplierForContract>().HasRequired(psfc => psfc.Product)
.WithMany(p => p.ProductSupplierForContracts)
.HasForeignKey(psfc => psfc.Product_Id);
// setting the Supplier FK relation required + related entity
modelBuilder.Entity<Entity.ProductSupplierForContract>().HasRequired(psfc => psfc.Supplier)
.WithMany(s => s.ProductSupplierForContracts)
.HasForeignKey(psfc => psfc.Supplier_Id);
// setting the Contract FK relation required + related entity
modelBuilder.Entity<Entity.ProductSupplierForContract>().HasOptional(psfc => psfc.Contract)
.WithMany(c => c.ProductSupplierForContracts)
.HasForeignKey(psfc => psfc.Contract_Id);
// Bundle in Bundle
modelBuilder.Entity<Entity.Bundle>().HasMany(b => b.ChildBundles);
Can anyone help me on this one please, thank you in advance for any feedback. I have tried using AddOrUpdate() with no luck.