Can't split a text file based on separator

2020-05-07 03:14发布


I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. I have a text file named "group_keys", which contains a number of public keys that I'd like to split based on the delimiter


and then output each key individually and sequentially. For example, if there are three keys, then the output would be three files with names like "person_1_key", "person_2_key", and "person_3_key".

The file looks like this:

I'm having difficulty using split and csplit to do this. The commands I'm inputting aren't working. Here's what I've tried;

Using split:

split --separator="-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----" group_keys

This doesn't output anything, but instead gives me the message

split: multi-character separator ‘-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----’

Using csplit:

csplit group_keys "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----"

This gives me only two files, "xx00" and "xx01", but it doesn't split the lines. "xx00" is completely blank, and the "xx01" is just the original file.



csplit -z -f person_ -b '%d_key' group_keys '/-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----/' '{*}'

which would output four files person_0_key, person_1_key, person_2_key, person_3_key where

  • -z suppresses the generation of empty files
  • -f person_ sets the output filename prefix
  • -b '%d_key' sets the output filename suffix
  • '{*}' sets the repeat count (repeat as many times as possible)


This should work:

awk '/-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----?/{n++}{print > "person_" n "_key" }' group_keys